We know there’s a better, smarter way to buy premium digital inventory, and we’re here to help you access it.

With MPAKT Video, access to premium inventory doesn’t come with the price tag of direct reservation deals. We make sure you have control over targeting and better ways to manage reach and frequency at a fraction of the cost.

We believe in a tiered approach, starting with our broadest tools with premium inventory where we know we can scale quality impressions at a reasonable cost and layering from there.

We prioritize full screen, sound on advertising including YouTube and programmatic OTT/CTV that is accessed and optimized through private marketplace deals.

Bottom Line:

Rather than lean on the assumption that reservations always provide guaranteed inventory with high-quality audiences, we make those recommendations on a case-by-case basis.

This isn’t just an opinion, it’s a strategy backed by our buying experience.

We will always prefer having control over the buying levers so we can keep our and our clients’ destinies in our own hands.

Examples of MPAKT Video’s premium inventory. MPAKT Video can mix match to meet your needs and to best suit where your audience is watching.

Examples of Our Premium Publisher Deals:

Ready to make an MPAKT?